

A-level Office (A-level 课程处)


Zhong Fu

Vice Principal

Jo Zhu
Vice Coordinator

Nicole Jiang
Vice Coordinator

Louise Song

Ellen Tu

Vivian Li

A-level Math and Natural Science Department(A-level数学与自然科学组)


Fei Li
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Master's Degree

James Ye
East China Normal University
Master's Degree

Tim Gao
University of Ottawa
Master's Degree

Yolanda Gong
City University of Hong Kong
Master's Degree

Sheila Wu
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Master's Degree


Adedamola Sijuade Shoberu
Suzhou University
Doctor's Degree

Lynn Liu
The University of Manchester
Master's Degree

Sylvia Hai
Lakehead University
Bachelor's Degree

Ryan Li
University of Bristol
Master's Degree

Rosemosa He
Xiamen University
Doctor's Degree


Rosanne Li
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Bachelor's Degree


A-level Humanities and Social Sciences Department ( A-level人文与社会科学组)


Jo Zhu
University of Bristol
Master's Degree

Charlene Fang
National University of Singapore
Master's Degree

Ellen Zhang
Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Master's Degree

Norphine Palicos Garcia
Saint Luis University
Master's Degree

Janice Wu
University of Leeds
Master's Degree


Julia Zhuang
The university of Utah
Bachelor's Degree

Karl William Jahnke
The university of Nottingham
Master's Degree

Claire Guo
Durham University
Master's Degree


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