


  社团选填说明:为培养学生兴趣与专长,丰富其个人学习经验,本次选填社团为期一年,每个人需选择动态和静态两类社团。在选填时务必依照个人志愿与兴趣,每类社团需选填五个志愿。选填人数若超过该社团开课人数时,将以计算机抽签的方式安排 (并非先进行选填者先录取) 。另外校队、模拟联合国等特殊社团,会进行考验评选方能加入。


(1)初中A组: G7、B组:G6、G8 上课时间 二、四 15:30-17:00

(2) 高中A组:G9 G11A-D、B组:G10 G11E-F 上课时间 一、三 15:30-17:00

2.选填网址 http://www.kcisec.com/







2015-2016 Kang Chiao International Department Club Selection Instructions

Club activity is an important part of school courses. This course is designed to enable students to participate practices which based on their interest and to cultivate the ability of organizing, leadership, communicating, and specialty. Students will choose one Static club and one Sport club and take this club for one year. During the selection process, everyone has 5 options each Static and Sport. They can choose other clubs every new school year. If the number of candidates is more than up limit, club members will be chosen by computer randomly (is not decided by order of priority). Members of School team, Model United Nations and other special clubs will be tested or interviewed by teacher to enter these clubs.


1. Club Schedule

Middle A-G7
Middle B-G6,G8 
Time: Tuesday, Thursday 15:30-17:00

Senior A- G9 G11A-D
Senior B- G10 G11E-F 
Time: Monday, Wednesday 15:30-17:00

2. Club Selection Website http://www.kcisec.com/

Click Campus Platform at the bottom of school official website, and click Club/One Talent One Person System.
Use ID: student number
Password: yyyymmdd (eg:20080305)。
If it shows wrong password, please try default password-19000101

3. Selection opening time

9/1(Mon)-9/6(Sun),students who select club overdue will arrange by school.

4. Students should choose 5 options of each Static and Sport club

This is a one year course, please choose carefully. Everyone should take one static and one sport club. Students should choose 5 options of each Static and Sport club

5. If you have any question about club, please feel free to contact DSA 0512-8269-9634


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