
“你当像鸟儿,飞往你的山”| 华东康桥国际部2021届毕业典礼






已收到 1084份 来自海外大学的Offer,

至于学生所获奖学金, 数额也是刷新了华东康桥自身记录, 高达 ¥15,031,533.19


再来看看,华东康桥学生收获的offer里,那也是名校荟萃。来自全球Top 50学校的offer,多达370+;除前文提到的多伦多大学,还有被称为“南方哈佛”的美国维克森林大学、英国G5名校-伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院,与牛津、剑桥并称“金三角名校”的伦敦国王学院,以及在全球享有盛誉的顶尖院校如悉尼大学、纽约大学、爱丁堡大学、曼彻斯特大学、罗德岛设计学院、伦敦艺术大学等等。






在毕业典礼上,李万吉董事长、吴榕峯总校长、庄胜利校长、Jody Jennings副校长、林宇澔副校长等学校领导,以及郭子仁会长向毕业生致以祝福。


1康轩文教集团 李万吉董事长


2康桥国际学校 吴榕峯总校长

On behalf of schoolboard, I would like tothank you, dear parents, for the past three years, inwhich we have growntogether, and your children have become promising and brightyoung adults whilereceiving an excellent education under careful guidance and supervisionin thehigh school department at this campus.

University life isfast approaching, andyour sons and daughters will be taking on new challenges,studying hard,working part-time jobs, joining exciting clubs, and buildinglifelongrelationships. The importance of these years cannot be overstated and Iwouldlike to pass on two pieces of advice.

First, be seriouswhen it comes toprofessional lifelong learning.

Second, find a wayto contribute to bothpeople and society.

It’s time to say goodbye, my deargraduates, as you all march excitedly into newchapter of life, I hope to sharewith you THREE words: kindness, initiative, andintegrity. Let kindness ofheart smooth all your decision-making, always takethe initiative and reach outto people, and never, never lose your integrity.Congratulations and bestwishes to all!

3华东康桥国际学校 庄胜利校长

Congratulations to all the graduates of 2021.The achievement you have made is so amazing. 99.26% of you have been accepted by the top 100 universities in the US,and 86% of you will enter the top 100 world universities. As of today,we have received 1,084 offers from famous universities around the world. On average,each graduate has 4.4 universities to choose from.Among them,there are 257 offers from the universities whose rankings are higher than Bejing University and Shingwa University.As for the scholarships,we received more than 15,000,000 RMB.Compared to the previous years, the matriculation of this year is the best. We are proud of you. Let's give all the graduates a round of applause. Behind such fabulous achievement is very strong teamwork.First,I would like to thank all foreign and Chinese teachers for your dedication to teaching and professional instruction.And then I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the parents for your support and understanding. Without the teamwork,our students' dreams would not come to fruition.While we are enjoying the wonderful and unforgettable moment,there are several things I would like to remind all the graduates before you leave school. First,give your your full attention to your studies.As we know,one of the purposes for entering college is learning.Always be well-prepared for each course.Here I must specifically emphasize the seriousness of academic honesty.Academic dishonesty has become one of the reasons many Chinese students get expelled from universities. Second,be brave and act as a risk-taker.You will face lots of challenges and difficulties ahead from academic,cultural,and emotional aspects.Life is like the weather.There will be sunshine,rain,and even storms along the way.You need to be able to face anything that comes your way. So you must show your perseverance and courage to overcome all of the difficulties and obstacles.Remember people learn from the mistakes they make.When handled well, failure can teach us more than success.Third,enjoy your social life. Try to engage actively in all kinds of activities. Make as many friends from different countries as you can. You can learn outside of the classroom while having fun and experiencing new things. Again,congratulations to you all. I wish you all good luck and a bright future.

4华东康桥国际学校 Jody Jennings副校长

I am happy to have witnessed this graduation ceremony of 2021 today. Your age is the time in your life to find out yourself with your own. It's not suppose to be easy, you are supposed to have moment of uncertainty about which path to take because the 20 are full of crossroads. I would love to give you some suggestions as your friend and teacher when you about leaving. First,If you want something you never had,you have to do something you've never done.Second,Do what is right,not what is easy.We have to be brave enough to take on heavyresponsibilities, overcome difficulties and dare to show ourselves in the hardest places. Hope we can deepenour foundation to obtain a space, and postpone our enjoyment to achieve a career.

5华东康桥国际学校 林宇澔副校长

"Graduation" has different meanings for everyone here. Graduation, for teachers, represents pride. Graduation, for parents, may mean separation and reluctance. Graduation, for you, represents end, freedom, growth, glory and beginning. When you are about to open a new chapter and continue writing your new life stories, please remember, no matter how far you go, we will always care about you.

We will worry about whether you understand respect. When you face this diverse world, remember to respect the differences of others. It means taking a step back, considerate and understand the thoughts of others, knowing that we all come from different cultural and family backgrounds. Please remember the aspects of international mindedness that we have taught you.

We will worry about whether you understand gratitude. In the course of life, I hope that when you encounter setbacks and failures, someone can listen to your sorrows and share your frustrations; when you are tired and don’t want to move forward, someone will cheer you up and help you find your way back. When you are happy for success, someone will celebrate with you together. At that moment, you must remember to be grateful, because those silent support and love give you the most beautiful meaning of life. Therefore, Class of 2021, before you go today, please don’t forget to say thank you to your parents, teachers and friends who always accompany, support, and encourage you along the way.

6华东康桥国际学校 国际部家委会会长 郭子仁先生


7毕业生代表 12G 廖学弘同学

一位已故篮球运动员曾经问过一名记者一个问题:“你知道洛杉矶每天早上四点钟是什么样子吗?” 相信大部分在座的各位,不管是通宵读书备考,通宵看电视剧,亦或者是通宵聊天;都曾见过夜深人静的康桥是什么样子的。大家以后回忆起来又会是一段一去不复返的时光。想想每天需要吃力地与课业拼的你死我活、参加社团活动、校队训练、准备标化考试、写文书等等,繁琐到令人窒息,压力山大,但也就是因为这样,才使我们有了继续勇往直前的动力。身边人都没有放弃,我又有什么半途而废的理由呢。很感谢在康桥能够遇到这样一群优秀,可爱,又很酷的人,没有你们的陪伴,难以想象如今的我会身处何处。


8毕业生代表 12K 范棣旸

Six years ago, when I first made the decision to step into the campus of KCIS, I couldn’t even imagine the colorful school life ahead. Since then, I learned knowledge, gained experience, improved skills and expended visions. However, I think the best part of high school is not about one’s self, but something more. Everyone, please look around ourselves. Among these familiar faces, no matter if they are ones you like, ones you don’t really like or even ones you have never spoken to, they have all become part of us as memories and made who we are today. Cherish this moment as it will never happen again in our lives.

Now, to my own friends and close ones, there were times when I seriously doubted decisions of coming to Kang Chiao and to my current department, but now I am proud that we are all survivors and I am definitely not regretful, because where on Earth would I be able to meet all of you guys that I love and care for the most, if not here?

Of course, the glory and accomplishments we share today also belongs to those who stand behind us. I am talking about our teachers, who have always provided us knowledge and experience with patience and care, directors and the principal who manage our school lives and support various activities, and school staffs (especially teachers in the DSA) who we’ve always try to outsmart. Thank you for your selfless devotion and dedication, and I wish future graduates will behave better. Most importantly, I have to send my special thanks and love to my mom and dad, because I know that physically, emotionally (and financially), they will always be there for me.

Today, June 4th 2021, marks the end of a part of our lives, but it also represents the beginning of a whole new chapter. It might be true that we are living in an uncertain time and the journey ahead will be full of adversities and hardships, but I always believe that with great challenge come great opportunities. To conclude this speech, I sincerely hope that five or ten years later, no matter where we’ll be, who we’ll become, when stumble upon an old photo of Kang Chiao, we will smile and say “oh yea, I was here”


吴榕峯总校长、 庄胜利校长、 Jody Jennings副校长、 林宇澔副校长上台,为毕业生颁发毕业证书。



Kang Chiao brings me the world.


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