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10M 宋彰德 Peter Song


10K 林宥佑 Elva Lin

  在阳光明媚的这一天,我们来到了天福生态园区为心桥这个团体带六年级的小孩参观园区。我的心情有点紧张,因为我怕他们会不听我的话自顾自地玩。一开始, 我们想要玩节拍游戏并记名字,可是因为他们都比较害羞,互相也都不认识,我们就很难玩得起来。后来我们只好放弃换一个游戏。万幸的是后来的几个游戏他们都玩的很嗨,彼此也都熟悉了一点。虽然已有那“小大人”的模样,但他们都很听话。


  This is the first time KCISEC VST went to serve Huaqiao Community since its foundation. The theme this time is “touring with KCISEC VST”. Ten Kang Chiao high school students lead 40 local elementary school students to Tianfu Ecological Park. They visited the park and learned the plants there. After that, Kang Chiao students shared their touring experience of elite courses by watching videos. In the video, Huaqiao students can see the beautiful scene of the northwest China and Taiwan, and the determination of the seniors. They broadened their vision and also admired the courage of the seniors.

  The 40 elementary students are all from the local schools. Kang Chiao students learned to interact with them. They shared the experience, encouraged them to be more brave when facing challenge which can broaden their vision. The local students all said they hope they will have a chance to go to the northwest China to challenge themselves.

  Polo Hsu, a student of Kang Chiao said, this was our first time to learn how to communicate with the elementary students. We prepared a lot. Through this activity, I came to know more about Huaqiao. As coordinator KK has mentioned, the core of KCISEC VST is “With love from Kang Chiao, to serve and love Huaqiao!” This is more than interaction with local students, but also has great influence to our life.

We appreciate their spirit of sacrifice holiday to dedicate to service.

10A 林虹秀 Nancy Lin

  I saw five little turtles crawling on the ground. Where did those turtle come from?

 " They are mine~" said a little boy. Today is the first time that I actually came out of the school and volunteer. At, first I felt really nervous because I did a bad job of taking care of children when I was a fifth grader. This time, I tried to chat with them and shared my experience with them, and I really got some positive response. There is a boy, his nick name is turtle. When we are chatting, he told me that the turtle he is feeding was in his bag. He showed me the turtle, and he also taught me a lot of knowledge of the turtles. I am so surprised that he knew that much because he is only seven years old. During the event, we encouraged them to tried hard and had a global view. On the other hand, they taught me some knowledge and experience that I don't have the chance to learn at school.

10L 陈睿一 Raymond Chen

  Today me, Polo, Nancy, Elva and some students in the student council went to the Tianfu Ecological Wetland Park interact with a group of children from primary school in Kunshan. We helped the teacher to introduce a lot of plants and animals in the ecological wetland park with fully protected environment, and introduce the One Belt One Road and cycling around Taiwan with 2 videos that we made by ourselves. I really enjoyed knowing those children's names and play games with them to know each other. I finally know that it is so hard for teachers to know our names in the summer camp like this. Although it is very hard to try to interact with those children, at the end I feel they are all very awesome, it was a wonderful experience to meet and lead them. I wish I can still interact with those children in this activity next time. I really learnt a lot, and I'm sure I will be better leader to children next time.


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