

2024-2025学年第一学期  昆山康桥学校 行事历(学生版)
2024-2025 KCIS First Semester School Calendar(student version)
  WK M T W Th F Sa Su School Activities 重要行事- ▲小学部  ★幼儿园 PYP
Sep. WK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ▲9/1周末班车返校运行 The shuttle bus returns to school on weekends
▲★9/2开学日 First Day of School
★9/2新生宝贝欢迎日&亲师座谈会 New Student Welcome Day&PTC
▲9/2开学典礼 Opening Ceremony
★9/3 幼儿园PYP开学日 First Day of Kindergarten PYP
★防震防灾演练 Earthquake and Fire Drill
▲特殊饮食申请(本次申请适用期间为全学期) Special Diet Applications
▲9/1~9/30 新生学籍注册 New Students Registration
▲★9/2 走读校车开始运行 The Day School Bus is Running
▲★9/2游泳课程分班分级教学 Swimming Courses
▲★9/2 课后社团开课 After-school Clubs Are Starting
▲9/2 课后艺文团队(乐团和舞团)开课 Orchestra and Dance Group Start Classes
▲9/2-10/18 卓扬班英文第一单元 Unit 1 of Bilingual English Class
▲9/2-9/13 小小书架认养人(图书馆志工)招募 Library Volunteer Recruitment
▲9/3-9/4 教务处课后地奥班第一次课 The 1st Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲9/3、9/4 教务处课后编程·机器人第一次上课 The 1st Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲9/5 教务处课后创客第一次上课 The 1st Class of Maker Class
▲9/6防震防灾演练 Earthquake and Fire Drill
▲★9/6校车安全疏散演练 School Bus Safety Drill
WK2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ▲★9/14 补班日(补9/16周一) Makeup Day
▲★9/15-9/17 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
★9/14 中秋节活动 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
▲教师节活动 Teacher's Day Activities
▲康桥Time第一次上课 The 1st Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲2024秋多子女学费优惠申请 2024 Autumn Semester Sibling Tuition Fee Discount
▲勤敏班“我的孩子在康桥”发布”征文启示“(参加对象:全体学生家长)Call for Essays— "My Child at KangChiao" (Participants: Students' Parents)
▲"我是一名光荣的人民教师"---"勤敏班"庆祝教师节茶话会(待定)“I am a Glorious Teacher”—Qinmin Class Teachers’Day Tea Party(TBD)
▲9/10-9/11 教务处课后地奥班第二次课 The 2nd Class of Olympic Geography Club(教务处)
▲勤敏班G1新生家长会PTC Qinmin Class G1 Parent Teacher Conference
▲9/10、9/11 教务处课后编程·机器人第二次上课 The 2nd Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲★9/11 住宿生消防和地震安全演习 Fire and Earthquake Safety Drill
▲9/12教务处课后创客第二次上课 The 2nd Class of Maker Class
▲9/12、9/13 课间社团开课 Inter-Class Clubs Start
WK3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ▲国庆节手抄报征集活动 National Day Activity
▲学生乘车纪律宣导 Bus School Safety Announcement
▲9月健康教育课 September Health Education Class
▲勤敏班学科素养提升专项训练1 Qinmin Class Disciplinary Literacy Improvement Training 1
▲康桥Time第一次上课 The 1st Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲9/18开始高尔夫课程 Golf classes start
▲9/19教务处课后创客第三次上课 The 3rd Class of Maker Class
▲9/21卓扬班家长会PTC Bilingual Class Parent Teacher Conference
WK4 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ▲★9/28 补班日(补9/30周一) Makeup Day
▲★9/29 补班日(补10/4周五) Makeup Day
▲勤敏班语数英第一次阳光测评 Qinmin Class First Academic Assessment(Chinese, Maths, English)
▲勤敏班学生中英文书写成果展示 Qinmin Class Chinese and English Writing Achievements Display
▲康桥Time第二次上课 The 2nd Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲9/24 G3 菁英课程 G3 Elite Course
▲9/24、9/25 教务处课后编程·机器人第三次上课 The 3rd Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲9/26 教务处课后创客第四次上课 The 4th Class of Maker Class
▲9/24-9/25 教务处课后地奥班第三次课 The 3rd Class of Olympic Geography Club
Oct. WK5 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 ▲★9/30~10/7 国庆假期 National Day
WK6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ▲★10/12 补班日(补10/7周一) Makeup Day
★10/12 Sports Day 亲子运动会
▲文明班级冠军餐会 Civilized Class Champion Dinner
▲品德教育--节约 Moral Education-Saving
▲康桥Time第三次上课 The 3rd Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲10/8 G6徽杭古道校内体能训练开启 The Physical training enabled of G6 Elite Course
▲10/8、10/9 教务处课后编程·机器人第四次上课 The 4th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲10/8-10/9 教务处课后地奥班第四次课 The 4th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲10/10 教务处课后创客第五次上课 The 5th Class of Maker
WK7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ▲学生乘车纪律宣导 Bus School Safety Announcement
▲10月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲康桥Time第三次上课 The 3rd Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲PYP第一次簿本抽查周 PYP Book Check Week
▲10/15、10/16 教务处课后编程·机器人第五次上课 The 5th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲10/15-10/16 教务处课后地奥班第五次课 The 5th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲10/17 教务处课后创客第六次上课 The 6th Class of Maker Class
▲10/17-10/18 G5菁英课程(暂定) G5 Elite Course
WK8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ★10月庆生会 Birthday Party of Oct.
▲10月健康教育课 October Health Education Class
▲康桥Time第四次上课 The 4th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲PYP语数英复习周 PYP Academic Review Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲10/22、10/23 教务处课后编程·机器人第六次上课 The 6th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲10/24 教务处课后创客第七次上课 The 7th Class of Maker Class
▲10/22-10/23 教务处课后地奥班第六次课 The 6thClass of Olympic Geography Club
▲10/14-10/18 卓扬班英文第一单元评量周 Unit1 Evaluation Week (BL English)
Nov. WK9 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 ★ 10/3 PYP活动日:秋季盛典 PYP Action Day:Autumn Celebration
▲勤敏班学生中英文书写成果展示 Qinmin Class Chinese and English Writing Achievements Display
▲勤敏班学科素养提升专项训练2 Qinmin Class Disciplinary Literacy Improvement Training 2
▲学生心理健康普查 Students Mental Health Survey
▲学生体检 Students Physical Examination
▲康桥Time第四次上课 The 4th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲10/29、10/30 教务处课后编程·机器人第七次上课 The 7th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲10/31 教务处课后创客第八次上课 The 8th Class of Maker Class
▲10/29-10/30 教务处课后地奥班第七次课 The 7th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲10/21-11/29 卓扬班英文第二单元 Unit2 of Bilingual English Class
▲PYP语数英期中学术检测周 PYP Mid-term Academic Check Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲10/31 PYP活动日 PYP Action Day
▲10/31 PYP国际美食日 PYP International Lunch Day
WK10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▲文明班级冠军餐会 Civilized Class Champion Dinner
▲品德教育--合作 Moral Education-Collaboration
▲学生心理健康普查 Students mental health survey
▲康桥Time第五次上课 The 5th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲勤敏班语数英第二次阳光测评(根据市局的工作安排进行期中的质量检测)Qinmin Class Second Academic Assessment(Chinese, Maths, English) TBD
▲★11/4 冬令营开始报名 Registration for The Winter Camp Begins
▲11/5、11/6 教务处课后编程·机器人第八次上课 The 8th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲11/5-11/6 教务处课后地奥班第八次课 The 8th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲11/7教务处课后创客第九次上课 The 9th Class of Maker Class
▲10/28-11/1 秋季盛典 Autumn Celebration
WK11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ★教学观摩日 Open day
▲学生乘车纪律宣导 Bus School Safety Announcement
▲学生心理健康普查 Students Mental Health Survey
▲康桥Time第五次上课 The 5th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲11/12、11/13 教务处课后编程·机器人第九次上课 The 9th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲11/12-11/13 教务处课后地奥班第九次课 The 9th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲11/13 G1菁英课程 G1 Elite Course
▲11/14 教务处课后创客第十次上课 The 10th Class of Maker Class
▲勤敏班 G2-G6 新生家长会PTC Qinmin Class G2-G6 Parent Teacher Conference
WK12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ★11月庆生会 Birthday Party of Nov.
▲心理普查结果统计、汇整 Statistical Analysis of Psychological Census Results
▲11月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲11月健康教育课 November Health Education Class
▲康桥Time第六次上课 The 6th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲11/18-11/22勤敏班家长会开放日周 Qinmin Class Open Day Week
▲11/19、11/20 教务处课后编程·机器人第十次上课 The 10th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲11/19-11/20 教务处课后地奥班第十次课 The 10th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲11/21 教务处课后创客第十一次上课 The 11th Class of Maker Class
WK13 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 ▲G4学生心理健康教育讲座 G4 Student Mental Health Education Lecture
▲勤敏班学生中英文书写成果展示 Qinmin Class Chinese and English Writing Achievements Display
▲康桥Time第六次上课 The 6th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲11/26、11/27 教务处课后编程·机器人第十一次上课 The 11th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲11/28 教务处课后创客第十二次上课 The 12th Class of Maker Class
▲11/26-11/27 教务处课后地奥班第十一次课 The 11th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲11/25-11/29 卓扬班英文第二单元评量周 Unit 2 Evaluation Week (BL English)
▲★11/25-11/29 第七届游泳比赛预赛周 The 7th Swimming Competition Preliminary Week
▲11/27 PYP国际美食日 PYP International Lunch Day
Dec. WK14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ★12/6 棒棒糖剧团表演 Lollipop Troupe Show
▲文明班级冠军餐会 Civilized Class Champion Dinner
▲品德教育--诚信 Moral Education-Integrity
▲G5学生心理健康教育讲座 G5 Student Mental Health Education Lecture
▲勤敏班学科素养提升专项训练3 Qinmin Class Disciplinary Literacy Improvement Training 3
▲康桥Time第七次上课 The 7th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲12/2-12/6 开放日活动 Open Day
▲12/2-1/10 卓扬班英文第三单元 Unit 3 of Bilingual English Class
▲12/3、12/4 教务处课后编程·机器人第十二次上课 The 12th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲12/5 教务处课后创客第十三次上课 The 13th Class of Maker Class
▲★12/2~12/6课后社团竞赛周 Post-class Club Competition Week
▲12/3-12/4 教务处课后地奥班第十二次课 The 12th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲★12/5 岁末点灯仪式 Year's End Lights Ceremony
▲12/7 G6徽杭古道第一次行前训练 The 1st Pre-trip of G6 Elite Course-Hui Hang Ancient Road Hiking
WK15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ▲康桥Time第七次上课 The 7th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲勤敏班语数英第三次阳光测评 Qinmin Class Third Academic Assessment(Chinese, Maths, English)
▲PYP第一次簿本抽查周 PYP Book Check Week
▲★12/9课后社团报名 After-school club registration
▲12/10、12/11 教务处课后编程·机器人第十三次上课 The 13th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲12/12教务处课后创客第十四次上课 The 14th Class of Maker Class
▲12/10-12/11 教务处课后地奥班第十三次课 The 13th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲★12/14 第七届游泳比赛决赛 The 7th Swimming Competition Finals
WK16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ★12月庆生会 Birthday Party of Dec.
▲学生乘车纪律宣导 Bus School Safety Announcement
▲12月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲12月健康教育课December health education class
▲康桥Time第八次上课 The 8th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲12/17、12/18 教务处课后编程·机器人第十四次上课 The 14th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲12/17-12/18 教务处课后地奥班第十四次课 The 14th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲12/19 教务处课后创客第十五次上课 The 15th Class of Maker Class
▲12/20 PYP国际美食日 PYP International Lunch Day
▲12/20 PYP活行动日 PYP Action Day
WK17 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ▲★ 12/23-12/25 教学实践课程 Social Practice Courses
▲G6学生心理健康教育讲座 G6 Student Mental Health Education Lecture
▲康桥Time第八次上课 The 8th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲12/26 教务处课后创客第十六次上课 The 16th Class of Maker Class
▲12/26、12/27 课间社团期末展演 Final Performances of Inter-Class Clubs
▲★12▲★12/28 课后社团期末艺文展演 Final Performances of After-Class Clubs
Jan. WK18 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 ▲“庆元旦 迎新年”勤敏班教学成果展示 Qinmin Class Teaching Achievements Demonstration for Year of Snake
▲勤敏班学生中英文书写成果展示 Qinmin Class Chinese and English Writing Achievements Display
▲康桥Time第九次上课 The 9th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲12/30 游泳期末总结性评量 Swimming Semester-ending Assessments
▲1/2、1/3课间社团结束 The End of Inter-Class Clubs
WK19 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ★1/10PYP活动日:PYP期末成果发表 Action Day: Final Show
▲文明班级冠军餐会 Civilized Class Champion Dinner
▲品德教育--负责 Moral Education - Responsible
▲优秀小车长评选、餐叙活动 Select of Excellent School Bus Monitor and Dining Activity
▲勤敏班学科素养提升专项训练4 Qinmin Class Disciplinary Literacy Improvement Training 4
▲卓扬班G1-G6总结性评量周 G1-G6 Bilingual Evaluation Week
▲康桥Time第十次上课 The 10th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲PYP语数英复习周 PYP Academic Review Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲1/6-1/10 卓扬班英文第三单元评量周 Unit3 Evaluation Week (BL English)
▲1/7、1/8 教务处课后编程·机器人第十五次上课 The 15th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲1/7-1/8 教务处课后地奥班第十五次课 The 15th Class of Olympic Geography Club
▲12/23-12/27 冬季盛典 Winter Celebration
▲1/10 PYP活行动日 PYP Action Day
WK20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ★1月庆生会 Birthday Party of Jan.
▲结业典礼 Closing Ceremony
▲勤敏班参加市局教师发展中心主导的语数英期末考试 Qinmin Class Final Exams (Chinese, Maths, English) TBD
▲PYP语数英期末学术检测周 PYP Final Academic Check Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲1/14、1/15 教务处课后编程·机器人第十六次上课 The 16th Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲1/14-1/15 教务处课后地奥班第十六次课 The 16th Class of Olympic Geography Club
WK 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ▲★1/20 学生寒假(预估) Winter Holidays(Prediction)
WK 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 ▲★1/29 春节 Chinese New Year
Feb. WK 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
WK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  
WK 17 18 19 20 21 22 23  
WK 24 25 26 27 28 29 30  

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