2024-2025学年第二学期 昆山康桥学校 行事历(学生版) |
2024-2025 KCIS Second Semester School Calendar (Student Version) |
WK |
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Su |
School Activities 重要行事- 小学部 |
Jan. |
WK |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
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18 |
19 |
▲★1/18 学生寒假 Winter Holidays
▲★ 1/18、1/19 PYP班一对一家长面谈日 One on One PTC |
WK |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
WK |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
Feb. |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
WK1 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
▲★ 2/10 开学日 First Day of School
▲ 2/10 开学典礼 Opening Ceremony
▲特殊饮食申请(本次申请适用期间为全学期) Special Diet Applications
▲2/10 卓扬班好好学习语数课后社团开始上课 The First Class of Bilingual Studying Language and Math Courses Well ▲2/10 教务处课后编程·机器人开始上课 The First Class of Programming·Robot Society Class
▲2/10 教务处课后地奥班开始上课 The First Class of Olympic
▲★2/10 课后社团开课 After-School Clubs Begin Classes
▲2/10-2/21 图书馆小小书架认养人(图书馆志工)招募 Library Volunteer Recruitment
▲2/12 课后艺文团队(乐团和舞团)开课 Orchestra and Dance Group Begin Classes
▲2/12PYP课后学术加强班开始 After-school Academic Support Course First Day
▲2/12-4/11 PYP班UOI探究单元 Sharing the Planet 共享地球 |
WK2 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
★课后才艺开课 After-School Clubs Begin Classes
★防灾防震演练&乘车演练 Car Drill Fire and earthquake safety drill
▲康桥Time第一次上课 The 1st Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲★2/19 住宿生消防和地震安全演习 Fire and Earthquake Safety Drill
▲★ 2/20 课间社团开课:德育教育课堂&熟悉教室 Inter-Class Clubs Begin Classes
▲2/21 寒假借阅图书最后还书日 The Deadline for returning Library books
WK3 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
1 |
2 |
▲★2/25 住宿生迎新生日会 Birthday Party
▲3/1 G6徽杭古道第二次行前训练 The 2nd Pre-trip of G6 Elite Course-Hui Hang Ancient Road Hiking
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
Mar. |
WK4 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
▲康桥Time第二次上课 The 2nd Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲3月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲3月家庭教育沙龙 Home Education Salon for Parents
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班数学文化节 Qinmin Class Math Culture Festival
▲3/3 2月"阅读之星"及"书香班级"评选 Reading Star and Scholarly Class Selection |
WK5 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
▲3/10-6/6(暂定) 图书馆小小书架认养人(图书馆志工)正式服务 Library Volunteers Start Work
▲3/10-3/14 PYP班春季庆典 Spring Celebration
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班数学文化节 Qinmin Class Math Culture Festival |
WK6 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
▲健康教育课(一) Health Education Class
▲3/23 第二学期家长一对一交流会 One on One PTC
▲3/19 G2菁英活动 G2 Elite Course
▲康桥Time第三次上课 The 3rd Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲卓扬班英语班际竞赛周 Inter-class Competition Week
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班数学文化节 Qinmin Class Math Culture Festival |
WK7 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
▲"负责之星"评选表扬 Awards for Responsible Students
▲卓扬班G1-G6英语第四单元评量周 Unit 4 Evaluation of G1-G6
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班数学文化节 Qinmin Class Math Culture Festival
▲3/24-3/28 PYP班作业抽查 Book Check
▲★3/26住宿生生日会 Birthday Party
▲3/28 PYP班国际美食日 International Lunch Day
▲3/29 G6徽杭古道第三次行前训练 The Third Pre-trip of G6 Elite Course-Hui Hang Ancient Road Hiking |
Apr. |
WK8 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
▲★4/4~4/6 清明节假期 Qing Ming Festival
▲★4/1 夏令营开始报名 Registration for the Summer Camp
▲4/1 3月"阅读之星"及"书香班级"评选 Reading Star and Scholarly Class selection
▲康桥Time第四次上课 The 4th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class |
WK9 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
▲G4卓扬文化节 G4 Bilingual Cultural Festival
▲4月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲4月家庭教育沙龙 Home Education Salon for Parents
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲4/7-4/11 PYP班语数英期中学术检测周 Mid-term Academic Check Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA) |
WK10 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
★家长开放日活动 Open Day
▲健康教育课(二) Health Education Class
▲康桥Time第五次上课 The 5th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲勤敏班期中阳光测评 Qinmin Class Mid-term Academic Assessment
▲4/14-4/18 PYP班家长开放日活动 Open Day
▲4/14-4/18 PYP5毕业成果展 PYP Exhibition (PYP5A)
▲4/14-5/16 PYP5A班UOI探究单元:Where We Are in Place and Time 我们身处什么时空单元
▲4/14-5/30 PYP班UOI探究单元:Where We Are in Place and Time 我们身处什么时空 |
WK11 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
▲"尊重之星"评选表扬 Awards for Respect Students
▲卓扬英文班G1-G6世界读书日/春季庆典 World Book Day/Spring Celebration
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班诗词咏乐汇 Qinmin Class Poetry Recital Activity
▲4/22-4/24 G6菁英活动"筑梦康桥圆梦徽杭古道"(第一批次601~607.PYP5A)G6 Huihang Ancient Road Elite Activity
▲4/23-4/25 G6菁英活动"筑梦康桥圆梦徽杭古道"(第二批次608~612.G6忠.6A.6B)G6 Huihang Ancient Road Elite Activity
▲4/21-4/25 PYP班世界读书日 World Book & Copyright Week
▲4/25 PYP班国际美食日 International Lunch Day |
May. |
WK12 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
▲★5/1~5/5 五一长假 Labor Day
▲★4/29住宿生生日会 Birthday Party
▲康桥Time第六次上课 The 6th Class of Kang Chiao Time
▲十岁成长礼 Ten Year Old Growth Ceremony
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class |
WK13 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
▲★5/10 第十一届校庆 The 11th School Anniversary
▲525心理月活动 Psychology Month Activities
▲卓扬班英语班际竞赛周 Inter-class Competition Week
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班家长会 Qinmin Class Parents' Meeting
▲5/6 4月"阅读之星"及"书香班级"评选 Reading Star and Scholarly Class Selection
WK14 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
▲康桥Time成果发表会 KangChiao Time Achievement Presentation Conference
▲5月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲5月家庭教育沙龙 Home Education Salon for Parents
▲G5卓扬文化节 G5 Bilingual Cultural Festival
▲5/17小学部第五届“小铁人”比赛 The 5th "Little Ironman" Competition
WK15 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
▲健康教育课(三) Health Education Class
▲G2卓扬文化节 G2 Bilingual Cultural Festival
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲5/19-6/13 PYP 5AUOI探究单元:Who We Are 我们是谁
▲★5/24 音乐飨宴 A Feast of Music
WK16 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
★幼儿六一体检 Health Check-ups
▲★儿童节活动 Children's Day Activities
▲"关怀之星"评选表扬 Awards for Caring Star
▲G3&G5"卓文扬艺荟"展演(暂定) G3&G5 Department Art Carnival Performance(Tentative)
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲勤敏班"朝花夕拾"竞赛展示 Qinmin Class Cultural Literacy Competition
▲★5/31~6/2 端午节假期 Dragon Boat Festival
▲★5/26~5/30 课后社团竞赛周 After-school Club Competition Week
▲★5/28 住宿生生日会 Birthday Party
▲5/30 PYP班端午节活动 Dragon Boat Festival Event
▲5/30 PYP国际美食日 PYP International Lunch Day |
Jun. |
WK17 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
▲卓扬班G6总结性评量周(暂定) G6 Bilingual Evaluation Week(Tentative)
▲卓扬班G6英语第五单元评量周 Unit 5 Evaluation of G6
▲勤敏班榜样课展示 Qinmin Demonstration Class
▲6/3 5月"阅读之星"及"书香班级"评选 Reading Star and Scholarly Class Selection
▲6/3-6/6 PYP班作业抽查 Book Check
▲6/3-6/30 PYP班UOI探究单元:Who We Are 我们是谁
▲6/4 G4菁英活动小小农夫 G4 Elite Course
▲6/5 学期末家委会议 End of Term Parent Council Meeting
▲★6/7 课后社团艺文展演 After-school Club Art and Cultural Performances |
WK18 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
★毕业典礼 Graduation Ceremony
▲六年级毕业典礼 Graduation Ceremony
▲6月心理委员例会 Student Psychological Council Meeting
▲6/9-6/12 PYP5A班语数英期末学术检测周 Final Academic Check Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲6/11 教务处课后编程·机器人结束上课 End Courses of DAA Programming and Robotics Club
▲6/11 教务处课后地奥班结束上课 End Courses of DAA Olympic&Geography Club
▲6/12 卓扬班"好好学习"语数课后社团结束上课 End the Language and Math Course and Focus On "Studying It Well"
▲★6/12 课间社团期末展演 Inter-class Club Final Performances
▲★6/13 课后社团结束 After the End of the Society
WK19 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
★ 课后才艺发表会 Talent Show
▲★6/17 住宿生生日会 Birthday Party
▲健康教育课(四) Health Education Class
▲卓扬班G1-G5总结性评量周(暂定) G1-G5 Bilingual Evaluation Week(Tentative)
▲卓扬班G1-G5英语第六单元评量周 Unit 6 Evaluation of G1-G5
▲卓扬班G1-G5英语班际竞赛周 Inter-Class Competition Week
▲6/20 PYP班课后学术加强班结束 After-school Academic Support Course Last Day
WK20 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
▲6/22-6/29 PYP班语数英期中学术检测周 Mid-term Academic Check Week (CLA&CSL, Math, ELA)
▲"感恩之星"评选表扬 Awards for Thankful Students
▲勤敏班期末阳光测评 Qinmin Class Final Academic Assessment
▲★结业式 Graduation Ceremony |
Jul. |
WK |
30 |
1 |
2 |
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5 |
6 |
▲★7/1 暑假开始(预估) Summer Holiday (Prediction)
▲★7/1 夏令营开营 Summer Camp Opens
▲7/1-7/6 乐团暑训(暂定) Orchestra Summer Training
▲7/3-7/5 台北青山校区乐团交流(暂定) Orchestra Exchange (Tentative) |
WK |
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