2024-2025学年第二学期 昆山康桥学校 行事历(学生版) |
2024-2025 KCIS Second Semester School Calendar (Student Version) |
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School Activities 重要行事- 中学部 |
Jan. |
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▲ 1/17 2025年五月A-level全球大考报名截止 Due Day for A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲ 1/6-1/21 2025年一月A-level全球大考A-level January 2025 Series (A-level)
▲ 1/9-1/17 2024年十一月IGCSE全球大考考后服务 Post-exam serivice of the IGCSE Novermber 2024 Series (A-level) |
WK |
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▲ 1/23 美国数学测评AMC8 American Mathematics Competitions (AMC8) (学术专案组)
▲ 1/24 英国化学测评UK Chemistry Olympiad (UKChO)(学术专案组)
▲ 1/6-1/21 2025年一月A-level全球大考A-level January 2025 Series (A-level) |
WK |
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Feb. |
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▲ 2/6-2/13 开放艺文中心琴房申请 The performing arts piano rooms start to apply(艺文中心)
▲ 2/8-2/9 乐团寒训活动 Orchestra Winter camp(艺文中心)
▲ 2/9 教师返校日 Teacher's Returning Date |
WK1 |
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▲ 2/10 开学日 First Day of School
▲ 2/10 开学典礼 Opening Ceremony(活动组)
▲ 2/10-14 开放艺文中心小课申请 The performing arts after-class course start to apply(艺文中心)
▲ 2/10-13 语言中心晚课入班测试 Evening Course Placement Test (Language Center)
▲ 2/10-14 开学还书周Return the book week(IB图书组)
▲ 2/10 IB G10 & G11 学术检查点 IB G10 & G11 Academic Check-Point #1 (IB DP)
▲ 2/10-4/18 IB G6-G9第三教学单元 IB G6-G9 Teaching Unit 3 (IB MYP)
▲ 2/12防灾演练(晚间宿舍防灾演练)The Earthquake and Fire Drill(德育组) |
WK2 |
17 |
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▲ 2/17-21 开学还书周Return the book week(IB图书组)
▲ 2/17-2/21颁发进阶泳帽,安全宣导,学生手脚健康检查Award the advancementswimming cap, conduct safety propaganda and student's hand and foot health examination(体育发展组)
▲ 2/17-28 IB G11专题论文第一次反思会议 IB G11 EE First Reflection Meeting (IB DP)
▲ 2/17 高中教务处选课系统开放 DAA PowerSchool Course Selection Opens (高中教务处)
▲ 2/17 晚间琴房开放使用 The piano room is open for use(艺文中心)
▲ 2/17 艺文中心晚间小课开始上课 The performing arts after-class course begins(艺文中心)
▲ 2/17 状元养成计划开课 Gifted Programme Classes Begins(学术专案组)
▲ 2/17 初中教务处中文晚间课程开课 MSMO Evening Class starts(G7G8综合组)
▲ 2/17 语言中心晚课开课 Evening course starts (Language Center)
▲ 2/17 周一课间社团开始 Monday Club Start(活动组)
▲ 2/18 周二课间社团开始 Tuesday Club Start(活动组)
▲ 2/18 新生艺文护照补发 Art passports reissue for new students(艺文中心)
▲ 2/18 管弦乐团、合唱团、丝竹乐团开始晨练 Orchestra,Chorus and Chinese Ensemble start rehearsing(艺文中心)
▲ 2/19 国际艺术设计养成班课程开课 The International Art class begins(艺文中心)
▲ 2/19 Pre-IB G10 DP英语A分班测试 Pre-IB G10 DP English A Placement Test (IB DP)
▲ 2/19 庆生会活动 birthday celebration
▲ 2/20 一人一才艺开课 Performing Arts class begins (艺文中心)
▲ 2/20 一人一才艺教师培训 PD for the performing arts program (艺文中心)
▲ 2/22 2025年Brain bee脑科学活动 International Brain Bee Championship(学术专案组) |
WK3 |
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1 |
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▲ 2/17-28 IB G11专题论文第一次反思会议 IB G11 EE First Reflection Meeting (IB DP)
▲ 2/24 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 2/24 G11托雅社团开课 G11 TOEFL&IELTS Club starts(Language Center)
▲ 2/24 学生馆员开始服务Student Librarian start service(IB图书组)
▲ 2/24 校队课后社团开展训练 School teams and after-school clubs conduct training(体育发展组)
▲ 2/25 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 2/25 (暂定)小升初直升审议会议 Evaluation session for G6 students entering G7(注册组)
▲ 2/26 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 IB G11 CAS Assembly #1 (IB DP)
▲ 2/27 2025年一月A-level全球大考成绩公布 Results of the A-level Januart 2025 Series (A-level)
▲ 2/26-3/7 2025年一月A-level全球大考考后服务 Post-exam serivice of the A-level January 2025 Series (A-level)
▲ 3/2 IOLC国际语言学主题活动区域站线下水平测试 IOLC Regional station level test(学术专案组) |
Mar. |
WK4 |
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▲ 2/27-3/7 2025年一月A-level全球大考考后服务 Post-exam serivice of the A-level January 2025 Series (A-level)
▲ 3/3-3/7 A-level单元测验 A-level Topic Test #1 (A-level)
▲ 3/3 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/3 G10/G11单词双周测 (1) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(1)(Language Center)
▲ 3/4 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/5 初中G6-G9心理委员培训1 Student Training1 for G6-G9 (心理辅导组)
▲ 3/5 高中教务处选课系统关闭 DAA Power School Course Selection Ends (高中教务处)
▲ 3/5 AP诊断测试开始 AP Diagnostic Testing Begins (高中教务处)
▲ 3/5 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (1)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(1)(Language Center)
▲ 3/5-14 IB G12 模拟考试 IB G12 Mock Exam (IB DP)
▲ 3/7 IB G10-12家长开放日 IB G10-G12 Parents Information Session (IB DP)
▲ 3/7 小升初直升录取结果公告Announcement of G6 to G7 admission results(注册组)
▲ 3/8-3/9 2024-2025 FLL上海站活动 FIRST LEGO League-Shanghai(学术专案组) |
WK5 |
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▲ 3/5-14 IB G12 模拟考试 IB G12 Mock Exam (IB DP)
▲ 3/10 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/10-3/11 (暂定) 24秋学期奖学金颁奖典礼 2024 Fall semester Scholarship Award Ceremony(注册组)
▲ 3/11 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/12 高中G10-G12心理委员培训1 Student Training1 for G10-G12 (心理辅导组)
▲ 3/12 庆生会活动 birthday celebration
▲ 3/12 第五届校内学术竞赛个人赛 School academic competition(学术专案组)
▲ 3/14(暂定)国际艺术设计养成班招生讲座 The International Art Design Lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 3/14(暂定)暑假背提课程讲座 The Summer Background Improvement course lecture(艺文中心)
▲ 3/14 数学节 π Day* (IB MYP)
▲ 3/14-3/16 G10菁英志工卓越三國训练營 The Elite Volunteer Group Training Camp(活动组)
▲ 3/14 初中卓扬班G7家长开放日 Middle School Open Day(初中教务处)
▲ 3/14 高中教务家长开放日 DAA Open Day(高中教务处)
▲ 3/15-16 经济学素养研习活动中国站 (初级组) National Economics Challenge China Round(学术专案组) |
WK6 |
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▲ 3/17 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/17 G10/G11单词双周测 (2) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(2)(Language Center)
▲ 3/17-3/18 普高三月测试General high school March test(普高教务处)
▲ 3/17-24 IB G12 视觉艺术展 IB G12 Visual Arts Exhibition (IB DP)
▲ 3/18 G12集会 G12 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/18“物理杯”美国高中物理测评 PHYSICSBOWL(学术专案组)
▲ 3/19 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory cadre meeting (德育组)
▲ 3/19 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (2)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(2)(Language Center)
▲ 3/20 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation (德育组)
▲ 3/21 初中卓扬班 G8 家长开放日 Middle School Open Day(初中教务处)
▲ 3/21 G8直升G9家长说明会 Information Session for G8 Promotion
▲ 3/22-23 经济学素养研习活动中国站 (新秀组/高级组) National Economics Challenge China Round(学术专案组) |
WK7 |
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▲ 3/24 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/24 IB G10 学术检查点 IB G10 Academic Check-Point #2 (IB DP)
▲ 3/24-3/27 语言中心晚课期中复习周 Evening course mid-term review week(Language Center)
▲ 3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level)
▲ 3/25 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/26 A-level 学生集会 A-level Student Assembly (A-level)
▲ 3/26 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 IB G11 CAS Assembly #2 (IB DP)
▲ 3/28 初中卓扬班 G9 家长开放日 Middle School Open Day(初中教务处)
▲ 3/28(暂定)中考学生口语听力模拟考试 Oral Listening mock Test for G9 Bilingual Students(注册组)
▲ 3/29 袋鼠数学思维趣味活动 Math Kangaroo China (学术专案组)
▲ 3/29-3/31 G8熱血三國挑战营 The Three Kingdoms Challenge Camp(活动组) |
Apr. |
WK8 |
31 |
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▲ 3/31 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 3/31 G10/G11单词双周测 (3) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(3)(Language Center)
▲ 3/31-4/25 High School DAA Mock Exam 美高教务处模考(美高教务处)
▲ 4/1 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/2 第五届校内学术竞赛团队赛 School academic competition(学术专案组)
▲ 4/2 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (3)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(3)(Language Center)
▲ 4/2 初中教务处学院托福考试 G7-G9 TOEFL ITP Test
▲ 4/3 欧几里得数学竞赛 Euclid Mathematics Contest (学术专案组)
▲ 4/3-11 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期中考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Mid-Term Exam (IB DP)
▲ 4/4-6 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day (Holiday)
▲ 4/4-6 学术五项/十项中国站 China Academic Decathlon/Pentathlon China Round(学术专案组)
▲ 4/4-6 国际经济学奥林匹克中国站 International Economics Olympiad China Round(学术专案组)
▲ 4/6 美国生物测评 USA Biology Olympiad(学术专案组)
▲ 4/6 英国生物测评 British Biology Olympiad(学术专案组)
▲ 3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level)
▲ 3/31-4/27 12年级A-level年学习内容复习 G12 Revision (A-level)
▲ 3/31-4/3 语言中心晚课期中测试周 Evening course Mid-term examination week (Language Center) |
WK9 |
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▲ 4/3-11 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期中考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Mid-Term Exam (IB DP)
▲ 4/7 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/7 2025 春季大学展2025 Spring College Fair(升学辅导组)
▲ 4/7-18 IB MYP G6-G9 考试周 IB MYP G6-G9 Assessment Weeks (IB MYP)
▲ 4/8 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲ 4/9 庆生会活动 birthday celebration
▲ 4/9 职业博览会 Career Expo (心理辅导组)
▲ 4/10 一人一才艺期中考 Performing Arts Midterm Exams(艺文中心)
▲ 4/10 IB G12 五月大考考前宣导会 IB G12 May Exam Conduct Training Session (IB DP)
▲ 4/10 田园音乐会Pastoral Symphony Concert(艺文中心)
▲ 4/11 美高家长开放日High school Open Day(美高教务处)
▲ 4/11(暂定)中考音乐美术考试 Music and Art Examination for G9 Bilingual Students(注册组)
▲ 4/12 加拿大物理测评 Canadian Association of Physicists (学术专案组)
▲ 3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level)
▲ 3/31-4/27 12年级A-level年学习内容复习 G12 Revision (A-level)
▲ 3/31-4/25 美高AP模考High School DAA Mock Exam (美高教务处)
▲ 4/12-25 (暂定) 中考学生体育考试 Physical Test for G9 Bilingual Students(注册组) |
WK10 |
14 |
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20 |
▲ 3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level)
▲3/31-4/27 12年级A-level年学习内容复习 G12 Revision (A-level)
▲4/7-18 IB MYP G6-G9 考试周 IB MYP G6-G9 Assessment Weeks (IB MYP)
▲4/14 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/14 G10/G11单词双周测 (4) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(4)(Language Center)
▲4/14-18 IB G12 校长午餐时间 Principal's lunch time with IB G12 students (IB DP)
▲4/14 周一课间社团期中测评 Mid-assessment of Monday Club(活动组)
▲4/14小铁人比赛 Mini iron man race (体育发展组)
▲4/15 周二课间社团期中测评 Mid-assessment of Tuesday Club(活动组
) ▲4/15 G12集会 G12 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/16 初中G6-G9心理委员培训2 Student Training2 for G6-G9 (心理辅导组)
▲4/16 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (4)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(4)(Language Center)
▲4/16 G12雅思托福达标跳水活动 G12 IELTS TOEFL diving activities(Language Center)
▲4/16 卓扬班G9“一出好戏”G9 Drama culture exhibition(初中教务处课程行政组)
▲4/17 一人一才艺期中考 Performing Arts Midterm Exams(艺文中心)
▲4/17 G11-12教官荣耀餐会The Instructors' Results Presentation of Elite Volunteer Group(活动组)
▲4月15-4月17日初中勤敏期中阳光测评 Mid-term examination(初中勤敏班教务处)
▲4/18 高中教务期中考试周 DAA Midterm Week (高中教务处)
▲4/18 第三季度结束 End of Q3(高中教务处)
▲4/18 小升初卓扬班课程说明会 G7 Bilingual Course Information Session(注册组)
▲4/19 博物馆学外出实践活动 Museology Field Trip(学术专案组)
▲3/31-4/25 美高AP模考High School DAA Mock Exam (美高教务处) |
WK11 |
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▲4/21-4/23普高期中测试General high school midterm test(普高教务处)
▲4/21-25 “世界读书日”阅读推广活动World Book Day activities(IB图书组)
▲4/21-25 IB G7 家长开放日 IB G7 parents open day (IB MYP)
▲4/21-6/27 IB G6-G9第四教学单元 IB G6-G9 Teaching Unit 4 (IB MYP)
▲4/21 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/21 高中教务第四季度开启 DAA Q4 begins (高中教务处)
▲4/22 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/22 IB G10 & G11 学术检查点 IB G10 & G11 Academic Check-Point #2 (IB DP)
▲4/23 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 IB G11 CAS Assembly #3 (IB DP)
▲4/23 世界读书日活动 World Reading Day Activity(IB MYP)
▲4/23-25 IB G6-9第一次学术观察点 IB G6-9 Academic Check Point #1 (IB MYP)
▲4/23 高中G10-G12心理委员培训2 Student Training2 for G10-G12 (心理辅导组)
▲4/23生活竞赛冠军餐会The Monthly Banguet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition (德育处)
▲4/23 加拿大化学测评(中级)Canadian Chemistry Contest(学术专案组)
▲4/23 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory cadre meeting (德育组)
▲4/23 Speak Up英文演说比赛(初中教务处英文组)
▲4/24 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation (德育组)
▲4/25 普高社会实践活动General high school social practice activities(普高教务处)
▲4/27 加州伯克利大学编程挑战California Informatics Competition (CALICO)(学术专案组)
▲4/22-23 (暂定)中考学生口语听力考试 Oral Listening Test for G9 Bilingual Students(注册组)
▲3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level)
▲3/31-4/27 12年级A-level年学习内容复习 G12 Revision (A-level)
▲3/31-4/25 美高AP模考High School DAA Mock Exam (美高教务处)
▲4/24-25 小升初G7暑期营宣讲(Language Center) |
May. |
WK12 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
1 |
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3 |
4 |
▲4/28-5/18 12年级真题测验 G12 Mock Exams (A-level)
▲4/28-5/21 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB DP)
▲4/28 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/28 G8宣讲G9暑期营(Language Center)
▲4/28 G10/G11单词双周测 (5) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(5)(Language Center)
▲4/29 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (5)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(5)(Language Center)
▲4/29 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲4/30 加拿大滑铁卢物理挑战 Sir Isaac Newton Exam (学术专案组)
▲4/30 G10 升学辅导家长沙龙 G10 College Counseling Parents Salon(升学辅导组)
▲4/30 10年级IGCSE大考考前说明会 IGCSE Global Exam Information Seminar to G10(A-level)
▲5/1-5 五一劳动节 International Workers' Day(Holiday)
▲5/1-5/4 IGB世界地理学术挑战活动全国站 International Geography Bee National Round(学术专案组)
▲3/24-4/30 10及11年级全年学习内容复习及真题测验 Revision & Mock Exams (A-level) |
WK13 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
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11 |
▲4/28-5/21 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB DP)
▲4/28-5/18 12年级真题测验 G12 Mock Exams (A-level)
▲5/5-9 AP大考 AP Exams(高中教务处)
▲5/6 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲5/6-6/16 2025年五月A-level全球大考A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲5/6-16 二手书验证 Verification of second-hand books(IB图书组)
▲5/6-9 IB G11 专题论文研讨会 IB G11 EE Cafe (IB DP)
▲5/6-9 IB G6 家长开放日 IB G6 parents open day (IB MYP)
▲5/7 G8熱血三國挑战营成果展 The Three Kingdoms Challenge Camp Achievement Exhibition(活动组)
▲5/9 G12 升学辅导家长沙龙 G12 College Counseling Parents Salon
▲5/10 第十一届校庆 The 11th School Anniversary
▲5/10 校庆开幕演出 The Opening Performance of Kang Chiao anniversary ceremony(艺文中心)
▲5/11 牛津大学编程思维挑战 The Oxford University Computing Challenge(学术专案组)
▲5/11 英国生物测评(初级)Biology Challenge (BC)(学术专案组)
▲5/11 澳大利亚信息数学测评 Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT)(学术专案组) |
WK14 |
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14 |
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18 |
▲4/28-5/21 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB DP)
▲4/28-5/18 12年级真题测验 G12 Mock Exams (A-level)
▲5/6-6/16 2025年五月A-level全球大考A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲5/12 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲5/12-5/16 G6&G7宣讲暑期营(Language Center)
▲5/12 G10/G11单词双周测 (6) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(6)(Language Center)
▲5/12-16 G12毕业生图书归还Return of books by G12 graduates(IB图书组)
▲5/12-16 IB G8 家长开放日 IB G8 parents open day (IB MYP)
▲5/12-16 AP大考 AP Exams (高中教务处)
▲5/13 G12集会 G12 Assembly(德育组)
▲5/14 庆生会活动 birthday celebration
▲5/14 十年级校外参观上海犹太人纪念馆活动 G10 School Outing to SH Jewish Refugees Museum (高中教务处)
▲5/14 G12乐团毕业同学欢送会 G12 graduation party for Orchestra students(艺文中心)
▲5/14 初高中G6-G12心理委员培训3 Student Training2 for G6-G12 (心理辅导组)
▲5/14 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (6)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(6)(Language Center)
▲5/16(暂定)国际音乐培优讲座 The International Music Training Program Lecture(艺文中心)
▲5/17 G7-G10 社科班野外考察 Social Science Field Trip (学术专案组)
▲5/17 澳大利亚科学测评 Big Science Competition (BSC)(学术专案组) |
WK15 |
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▲4/28-5/21 IB G12 五月大考 IB G12 May Exam (IB DP)
▲5/19-5/20 普高五月测试General high school May test(普高教务处)
▲5/19-23 IB G9 家长开放日 IB G9 parents open day (IB MYP)
▲5/19-5/23 语言中心晚课期末复习周 Evening course final review week (Language Center)
▲5/19-5/22 心辅周 Mental Health Week (心理辅导组)
▲5/19 转班别申请 applications for changing course(注册组)
▲5/19 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲5/20 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲G9宣讲托福雅思暑期营(Language Center)
▲5/21生活竞赛冠军餐会The Monthly Banguet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition (德育处)
▲5/21 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory cadre meeting (德育组)
▲5/21 G12教官欢送会 Highlight of the Farewell Party for G12 Instructors(活动组)
▲5/22 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation (德育组)
▲5/23 AP大考 Late AP Exams(高中教务处)
▲5/24 康桥音乐飨宴 A Feast of Music of Kang Chiao(艺文中心) |
WK16 |
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▲5/26 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲G10 宣讲托福雅思暑期营(Language Center)
▲5/26 G10/G11单词双周测 (7) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(7)(Language Center)
▲5/26-5/30 语言中心晚课期末测试周 Evening course final examination week (Language Center)
▲5/26-28 IB G12 CAS(创造、行动与服务)面谈 IB G12 CAS interview (IB DP)
▲5/27 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲5/28 IB G11 CAS(创造、行动与服务)学生集会 IB G11 CAS Assembly #4 (IB DP)
▲5/28 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (7)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(7)(Language Center)
▲5/28 毕业晚会 G12 Graduation Party(活动组)主任會議討論暫訂,错开AL大考时间
▲5/28 校队庆典 School team celebration
▲5/30 十二年级毕业典礼 Graduation Ceremony(高中教务处)
▲5/30 毕业典礼(上午举办) G12 Graduation Ceremony(活动组)主任會議討論暫訂,错开AL大考时间
▲5/31-6/2 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival(Holiday) |
Jun. |
WK17 |
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▲6/3 G11集会 G11 Assembly(德育组)
▲6/3 艺文护照缴交 Collect students' performing arts passports (艺文中心)
▲6/3-6 IB G11 认识论成果展 IB G11 TOK Exhibition (IB DP)
▲6/3-6/6 25秋晚课课程说明单发放,报名 Evening course confirmation from issued students (Language Center)
▲6/3-13 IBMYP G6-G9 考试周 IBMYP G6-G9 Assessment Weeks (IB MYP)
▲6/3-6/13 G7/8/9 MAP testing (初中教务处英文组)
▲6/4 2025 春季大学展 Spring 2025 College Fair( 升学辅导组)
▲6/5 一人一才艺期末考 The Performing Arts Final Exam(艺文中心)
▲6/6 艺文中心晚间小课、吉他乐团、流行乐团停课 The performing arts after-class course is over(艺文中心)
▲6/6 初中教务处中文晚间课程停课 MSMO Chinese Evening Classes Suspended(G7G8综合组)
▲6/6 语言中心晚课结束Evening course ends (Language Center)
▲6/6 语言中心晚课公开课 Evening course Open Day (Language Center)
▲6/7 剑桥化学挑战Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (C3L6)(学术专案组) |
WK18 |
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▲6/3-13 IBMYP G6-G9 考试周 IBMYP G6-G9 Assessment Weeks (IB MYP)
▲6/9 G8集会 G8 Assembly(德育组)
▲6/9 G10/G11单词双周测 (8) G10-G11 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(8)(Language Center)
▲6/9 周一课间社团期末测评 Fianal-assessment of Monday Club(活动组)
▲6/9 游泳期末测验,1小时长泳测验和升帽色考试 Swimming Final Exams & one hour Long-distance swimming Final Exams(体育发展组)
▲6/10 初中教务处中文晚间课程停课 MSMO Chinese Evening Classes Suspended(G7G8综合组)
▲6/10 周二课间社团期末测评 Fianal-assessment of Tuesday Club(活动组)
▲6/10 G9集会 G9 Assembly(德育组)
▲6/10 模拟联合国课程期末模联大会 MUN conference(学术专案组)
▲6/10-17 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 期末考试 Pre-IB G10 & IB G11 Final Exam (IB DP)
▲6/11 IB MYP 社区项目成果展 IB MYP Community Project Exhibition (IB MYP)
▲6/11 课间社团课程結束 The Monday and Tuesday Club Class is over(活动组)
▲6/11 庆生会活动 birthday celebration
▲6/11 生活竞赛冠军餐会The Monthly Banguet for the champions of the Tidiness and Discipline Competition (德育处)
▲6/11 IBG6-IBG9单词双周测 (8)IBG6-IBG9 Biweekly Vocabulary Test(8)(Language Center)
▲6/11 初高中动态社团成果展彩排 Rehearsal for the Middle and High School Performing Arts Club Achievement Exhibition(活动组)
▲6/12 2024学年图书馆学生馆员颁奖及感恩餐会Student Librarian Awards (IB图书组)
▲6/12 一人一才艺期末考 The Performing Arts Final Exam(艺文中心)
▲6/12 一人一才艺期末成果展 彩排 Rehearsal for Performing Arts Program Final Presentation(艺文中心)
▲6/12 一人一才艺期末成果展 Performing Arts Program Final Presentation(艺文中心)
▲6/12 创客班期末成果展 Maker Class Exhibition(学术专案组)
▲6/13 六升初欢迎会 G6 Reception(活动组)
▲6/13 G11 升学辅导家长沙龙 G11 College Counseling Parents Salon
▲6/13 状元养成计划停课 Gifted Programme Classes End(学术专案组)
▲6/13 一人一才艺停课 The Performing Arts Program is over(艺文中心)
▲6/13 艺文中心管弦乐团、合唱团、丝竹乐团停课(艺文中心)
▲6/13 国际艺术养成班课程停课 The International Art class is over(艺文中心)
▲6/13 晚间琴房停止使用 The Piano Room is closed(艺文中心)
▲6/13 初中教务处中文晚间课程停课 MSMO Chinese Evening Classes Suspended(G7G8综合组)
▲6/13 语言中心晚课公开课 Evening course Open Day (Language Center) |
WK19 |
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▲6/16 G6&G7集会 G6&G7 Assembly(德育组)
▲6/16 G11托雅社团结束 G11 TOEFL&IELTS Club End ((Language Center)
▲6/16-18 IB G11 自然科学研究项目成果展 IB G11 Group 4 project (IB DP)
▲6/16-6/20 初高中社团静态成果展 Middle and High School Clubs' Documentary and Material Achievement Exhibition(活动组)
▲6/17 G10集会 G10 Assembly(德育组)
▲6/17-6/19 昆山市初三学生中考 Kunshan Monitoring of academic quality of Middle school students(注册组)
▲6/17-6/19 教一楼封闭 Closed Academic building 1
▲6/18-20 IB MYP 年終考試 IB MYP End of Year Exams (IB MYP)
▲6/18 宿舍干部会议 Dormitory cadre meeting (德育组)
▲6/18 初高中动态社团成果展 Middle and High School Performing Arts Club Achievement Exhibition(活动组)
▲6/19 文明宿舍表彰 Civilized dormitory Commendation (德育组)
▲6/20 学生乐器借放取回通知 Students Musical Instruments Retrieving(艺文中心)
▲6/22 牛津大学编程思维挑战 The Oxford University Computing Challenge(学术专案组) |
WK20 |
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▲6/23-25 普高期末测试General high school final test(普高教务处)
▲6/25-27 高中教务期末考试周 DAA Final Exams(高中教务处)
▲6月23-6月25日初中勤敏期末阳光测评 Final examination(初中勤敏班教务处)
▲6/25-6/27 初中卓扬班期末考试 Middle School Final Exam(初中教务处)
▲6/23-27 IB G6-9第二次学术观察点 IB G6-9 Academic Check Point #2 (IB MYP)
▲6/23-27 学生暑期借书周Students borrow books for summer vacation(IB图书组)
▲6/27 结业典礼 Closing Ceremony(活动组)预估Prediction |
Jul. |
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▲7/1 暑假开始 Summer Holiday (预估Prediction) |
WK |
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▲7/26-27未来之城夏季展评活动 Future City Summer Exhibition(学术专案组) |
WK |
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▲ 7/28-8/22 语言中心2025夏令营课程 2025 Summer Camp(Language Center) |
Aug. |
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▲8/15 2025年五月A-level全球大考成绩公布 Results of the A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲8/15-8/22 2025年五月A-level全球大考考后服务 Post-exam service of the A-level May 2025 Series (A-level) |
WK |
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▲8/15-8/22 2025年五月A-level全球大考考后服务 Post-exam service of the A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲8/21 2025年五月IGCSE全球大考成绩公布 Results of the A-level May 2025 Series (A-level)
▲8/22-8/29 2025年五月IGCSE全球大考考后服务 Post-exam service of the IGCSE May 2025 Series (A-level) |
WK |
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▲8/22-8/29 2025年五月IGCSE全球大考考后服务 Post-exam service of the IGCSE May 2025 Series (A-level) |